【案内】 発達と学習研究会のお知らせ

発達と学習研究会(愛称 ハガ研)のお知らせ

第1回 言語と実践共同体論


 ◇期日 8月9日(水) 10:00~17:00
 ◇場所 教育学研究科附属子ども発達臨床研究センター C302

 Barton, D. and Tusting, K. (2005) Beyond Communities of Practice: language, power and social context. New York: Cambridge University Press.

 1 Barton, D. & Hamilton, M. Literacy, reification and the dynamics of social interaction.
 2 Tusting , K. Language and power in communities of practice.
 3 Creese, A. Mediation allegations of racism in a multiethnic London school: what speech commnities and communities of practice can tell us about discourse and power.
 4 Rock, F. “I’ve picked up some up from a colleague”: language, sharing and communities of practice in an institutional setting.
 5 Kreating, M. C. The person in the doing: negotiating the experience of self.
 6 Martin, D. Communities of practice and learning communities: do bilingual co-workers learn in community?
 7 Harris, S. R. & Shelswell, N. Moving beyond communities of practice in adult basic education.
 8 Lea, M. R. ‘Communities of Practice’ in higher education: useful heuristic or educational model?
 9 Myers, G. Communities of practice, risk and Sellafield.
 10 Gee, J. P. Semiotic social spaces and affinity spaces: from The Age of Mythology to today’s schools.

伊藤 崇(tito at  edu.hokudai.ac.jp  または 内線3293)


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